Grab your FREE Set Up for Sales TikTok Cheat Sheet and get all my BEST tips for getting started!

Heres what you'll get inside this FREE Cheat Sheet:

  • Why you should use TikTok as a platform for sales

  • My top 3 tips on how to for sell on TikTok

  • The best practices for posting

Why learn from me?

Hi! I'm Rachel. Mom and digital marketing expert.

I started my own blog about six years ago, since then I've grown it into a multi-six figure small business that has absolutely changed my family's life.

Before that I got my bachelors in advertising and worked in corporate/small businesses as a digital marketer for eight years.

So while Tik Tok is a newer platform- marketing online has been my bread and butter for a long time.

I am super passionate about encouraging others to try out TikTok because I think it is the perfect place for small businesses to thrive!

Over the years I have noticed a lack of resources for getting started on TikTok as a smaller business so I created this cheat sheet to help you get started!

Sign up for the FREE Set Up for Sales TikTok Cheat Sheet Below!